Guernsey schoolchildren are increasingly using active travel – such as walking or cycling – to get to and from school, according to a new travel audit.

Earlier this week, children were encouraged to reduce their car travel to school as part of Walk to School and Alternative Transport Week.

Guernsey’s Health Improvement Commission evaluated the number of primary school children who had incorporated active travel into their journeys to and from school.

The audit found that 61% of students used active travel options to attend school this month.

It’s a 10% increase from the same period in 2023.

The Commission believes the increase is also thanks to Hautes Capelles, St Mary and St Michael and La Houguette schools implementing walking bus initiatives this week.

Walking buses are set routes where adult escorts collect and walk groups of children to and from school.

Active Travel officer Alex Costen commented: “Walking buses are just one example of interventions that enable children to travel actively.

“We are working with schools to make active travel the preferable option for all children.

“The trick is to build upon this increase and make it permanent and sustainable.”

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